September 9, 2021
I took a couples’ trip to Carmel with my husband, Will, and our best friends, Michelle and Cole! There are no words for how beautiful this town is! It is such a treasure. Will and I have been plotting when we are going to go back ever since we’ve left. We were so busy having fun that I didn’t stop to take a lot of photos, but here are some that I did get. Enjoy!
The fog was both beautiful and frustrating as a photographer…
Not pictured: the coastal cattle! As we were driving along Highway 1, we saw a bunch of small cattle farms right next to the beaches. As a native Texan, this was sooo funny to me because when I picture cattle farms, I think of Lubbock and West Texas… not beautiful beaches! Needless to say, we made a bunch of jokes about it afterwards.
Story time… I broke my heels SECONDS before walking into the winery. We weren’t around any stores so I had to go to a gas station and duck tape my shoes. Super classy moment. 🙂
If you look to the right, you can see the Pebble Beach Golf Course. Our husbands were dying to play a round of golf, but the wives didn’t feel like forking over $500 to play.
Let me tell you the story of our trip to Yosemite. When Michelle and I were planning this trip, we decided that we’d take a trip to Yosemite! I guess I was the only one who knew it was a 3 hour drive to get there when I booked our reservations, because everyone was pretty unhappy with me when I dragged them all the way out there for a day trip. In hindsight, probably not my best move. In my defense, I was so desperate to visit because I’ve heard it’s beautiful and 3 hours compared to 20 hours from Texas was worth it to me! I can’t tell you how funny it was when we got to the park and the park ranger told us it would be another hour drive to El Capitan (we all thought we heard him wrong). Everyone was over me at that point, hahaha. But hey, Michelle has some pretty pictures for her house and we can all say we’ve been to Yosemite despite the 7 hour round trip it took us to get there!!
If you’re considering a California vacation, Carmel is a MUST SEE. Seriously, add it to your bucket list right now. You won’t regret it.
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